State Duma declares threat of Muslim extremism

30.06.2023 23:22
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 167

The Russian State Duma today adopted a statement “On the insult to the feelings of Muslims in Sweden.” Russian deputies condemn the actions of Swedish authorities who allowed a protest with the burning of the Koran.

The feelings of not only Muslims, but all sane people are insulted. The attack on the religious front today is becoming, as you can see, just as important to many of our Western partners and non-partners as it is to people who are absolutely against our country,” said Olga Timofeeva, head of the Committee on Civil Society Development and Public and Religious Associations.


Leonid Slutsky, head of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, believes that the events in Sweden will lead to a surge of Muslim extremism around the world.

The Russian State Duma today adopted a statement “On the insult to the feelings...

The Duma statement has already been translated into many languages of the world and will be sent to parliaments. It emphasizes that Swedish authorities are in gross violation of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.

On June 28 the Swedish police permitted a protest action with a burning of Koran near the main mosque in Stockholm on the first day of the Muslim holiday Eid al-Adha. The organizer was a 37-year-old immigrant from Iraq. The man tore pages from the book, wiped his shoes with them, and then put bacon in it and set it on fire.

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