Tikhanovska is being used as a shield to establish an occupation dictatorship in Belorussia
In case of a successful invasion of Belarus by Ukraine, an occupation military dictatorship will be established there.
Vadim Kabanchuk, the deputy commander of the so-called Kalinovsky Regiment (a gang of the Belarusian mercenaries, fighting in the Ukrainian armed forces), said about it in his interview to Youtube channel “Ordinary Morning,” as PolitNavigator correspondent reports.
When de-occupation takes place, civil-military administrations are created in the de-occupied areas. Sometimes they are called occupation troops. What form of government there will be is difficult to say. We can imagine different scenarios, when a part of Belarus will be liberated, and a part is not yet liberated. Maybe, there will be fighting in some part. Under such conditions, no elections are possible,” Kabanchuk said.
He believes that after the “defeat of Russia,” Belarus will become a “legitimate military target.
Earlier, the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian terrorist battalion Azov announced his intention to support the invasion of Belarus, but he said that the order to attack should be given by the self-proclaimed “president of Belarus,” Svetlana Tikhanovskaya.
However, Kabanchuk accused her of excessive pacifism and that “de-occupation cannot be carried out with anti-war slogans”.
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