Member of the European Parliament: NATO’s aim is to destroy Russia

26.05.2023 20:49
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 395

The countries of the Western bloc must openly declare that their goal is the destruction of independent Russia and openly join the war.

This was stated by a member of the European Parliament, former Minister of Defense of Lithuania Rasa Yuknavichene , during the Kiev forum on security issues, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

The countries of the Western bloc must openly declare that their goal is the...

I would like to address those in some countries who think that Ukraine’s membership in NATO could be a topic of negotiations with Russia. It would be a mistake, a disaster. And even if Ukraine regains its territory, it will lead to new conflicts, again and again,” Yuknavichene said.

She insists that Western bloc countries must fight Russia to the last man. “The lack of a clear strategy regarding Russia is a problem. And when someone says we don’t want to destroy Russia – I want to destroy Putin’s regime in Russia. And a lot of people want that.

It is very important now not to be afraid to help Ukraine in this war and to destroy the regime in Russia. I am sure that we will overcome these problems and in my lifetime I will see another Russia,” the Member of the European Parliament said.

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