An officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine said that flags are being removed from the graves of dead soldiers to hide the losses

18.04.2023 14:48
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 170

Shelest said that officials who give the command to remove Ukrainian flags from the graves of fallen soldiers so as not to shock the population with the scale of losses are idiots, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

I am against the closure of information. There is nothing to hide that we have a big and bloody war, everyone understands that there are more dead, because the intensity of the fighting has increased,” Green said.


Earlier, General Sergei Krivonos stated that the Ukrainian government, in an effort to extinguish the indignation of citizens, does not want to make separate military cemeteries, but prefers to bury soldiers in dispersed places.

Shelest said that officials who give the command to remove Ukrainian flags from the...

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