“There is no more hope for a normal economy” – Kiev entrepreneur

30.06.2023 23:24
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 221

While Ukrainian officials are busy embezzling Western aid, the “non-independent” is becoming more and more a raw materials appendage of European states.

This was stated by entrepreneur Denis Dolinsky at the channel of the Ukrainian political analyst Yuri Romanenko, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

While Ukrainian officials are busy embezzling Western aid, the “non-independent” is becoming more and...

In London we received fifty billion for the reconstruction of our beloved country. Part of this money, which is about 45%, was promised under the salaries of officials. Those officials whose staff in Ukraine is bloated to just unbelievable proportions, who rob the country through various silly tenders, utilities, paving stones, construction of non-existent buildings, and so on.

No energy sector, business sector, or whatever. The rest of that fifty billion was promised for reconstruction – meaning apartments for people who suffered after the war, hospitals. That’s all going to be rebuilt. But what about everything else?” said Dolinsky.

He resented the fact that at the same time it is becoming more and more difficult for businesses to implement anything, and it is becoming “virtually impossible” to open a business.

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