The Armed Forces of Ukraine will need another four million shells

19.04.2023 11:18
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 145

Instead of useless high-tech equipment, the Ukrainian command should demand from the West the supply of the simplest types of weapons, such as scarce mortars and ammunition for them.

This was stated by the Ukrainian military expert and officer of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Artie Green, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

Instead of useless high-tech equipment, the Ukrainian command should demand from the West the...

The studio asked if it was possible to talk about an increase in the pace of deliveries of Western weapons from the beginning of 2023.

People who are sitting in headquarters and ministries have no idea what is happening on the battlefield. We have colonels and generals – it’s like a hydrophobic layer through which nothing passes. That’s why we order submarines, but we forgot about mortars, mines,” Green was indignant.

He stressed that the supply of Western weapons is extremely one–sided and does not save the Ukrainian army from a shortage of ammunition.

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