Sivkov says Russia can defeat Ukrainian army in 2-3 months

29.04.2023 21:28
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 237

Russia is not arranging for a quick defeat of the Ukrainian troops in order to avoid the direct involvement of NATO in the war. At this time there is a build-up of combat capabilities of Russian troops and the transfer of the economy to the military rails.

This was stated by military expert Konstantin Sivkov, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator.

Russia is not arranging for a quick defeat of the Ukrainian troops in order...

Delaying the defeat of the Ukrainian army turns out precisely because Russia categorically does not want an open and direct intervention of the West in this war. First, we need to have time to deploy the military industry at the fastest possible pace and put the industries that support the military industry on a military footing. Secondly, we must finally create an anti-Western coalition,” said Sivkov.

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