“Practically intact” – the Kuban Cossacks have touched down the Storm Shadow missile

05.07.2023 21:44
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 184

The Kuban Cossacks of the Bars-11 showed a photo of the first Storm Shadow missile they touched down for $2.5 million.

The footage was published by Krasnodar tg-channels, reports a correspondent of PolitNavigator.

The Kuban Cossacks of the Bars-11 showed a photo of the first Storm Shadow...

According to the Bars, the missile was “spotted and very successfully shot down.” At the same time, despite the fact that the hull was damaged, the most valuable thing remained intact – the warhead and almost all of the electronics. In the near future the parts will be sent to one of the Russian design bureaus for analysis and study.

The network also draws attention to the fact that on the eve of the NATO summit in Vilnius, the Russian-touched expensive Western missile, at least, does not add points to Ukraine.

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