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“Our chips will be a bit bigger, but we will cram in”: Lukashenko urged Russia “not to give up”

The Belarusian president said his scientists were ready to work with Russia to produce analogues of chips, the supply of which has been hampered by Western sanctions.

One designer says to me: Alexander Grigoryevich, tell Vladimir Vladimirovich: Why are you getting upset? Do you want aeroplanes and missiles to fly on our chips?

I say: Yes, of course we do, the Americans won’t supply us with them.

He says, all right, our chips are a little bigger, but we can fit them , we can fit this device on the wing of the plane, they still fly, and they will fly.

It’s the same man who’s creating all this…

So we should not be worried that we are falling behind somewhere – we need to catch up and we need to create,” Alexander Lukashenko said at the meeting of the Eurasian Economic Union.


He addressed his Russian counterpart:

Vladimir Vladimirovich, Russia should not lower its head in the current situation.”

Lukashenko recalled that the EEU was once created with the participation of Ukraine, but back then Batska believed that Kiev would refuse to participate in the union.

Back then we had Ukraine, Leonid Danylovych Kuchma. Although I told my colleague that this would hardly work out due to the situation that was already starting to develop in our post-Soviet space and here, in our region, but nevertheless we developed 28 documents, as I think, Vladimir Vladimirovich, in partnership with Ukraine. But then Ukraine left this process, as I thought it would.

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