NATO summit ended in failure for Tikhanovskaia

13.07.2023 21:14
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 343

The photo of sad and lonely Zelensky, who got nothing at the NATO summit, has already become a meme. Tikhanovskaya was not so expressive, but for her, too, her presence at the forum was disappointing.

Initially, it was reported that the fugitive Belarusian oppositionist would speak at one of the round tables of the NATO Public Forum and at the events organized by the “Atlantic Council”. It was also said about two side events, organized by her office and a joint breakfast with women – defense and foreign ministers of NATO countries.

The photo of sad and lonely Zelensky, who got nothing at the NATO summit,...

As a result, the summit has already ended and only three events are known – a meeting with U.S. senators, one side-event and a breakfast with women ministers.

The meeting with senators took place on July 10, before the summit, and was an ordinary event. The parliamentarians came, sat in the office, talked.Press releases about such meetings can be written in copy-edits, the agenda is standard, except that the current topics of Wagner and TNWs have been added. It is possible that during the meeting the Americans gave Tikhanovska further “valuable instructions,” but they will not write about this in the press release.

As for the meeting with the “ministers”, there was nothing interesting at all. They gave us something to eat, took pictures with the honorable public. Even to make a short speech with general words. That’s the whole result. Serious decisions are not made at such “gender” breakfasts.

The most interesting was the side event. Here, Svetlana rocked her ass off, except that the audience was poor, and her words did not impress the participants of the summit, to put it mildly. Side-event is, as it is clear from the translation, a “side” event, i.e. secondary and not related to the main program of the summit at all.

While serious people were gathered in Vilnius to solve their serious issues, Tihanovska was sitting somewhere on the side and trying to attract attention to herself.

She tried diligently and said a lot of things.After coming to power she promised to denounce all the treaties signed by Lukashenko after 2020, to withdraw from the CSTO, the Union State and the EAEU, to restore good relations with all neighbors and, especially, with Ukraine.But the most resonant statement is the proposal to start cooperation between NATO and “democratic Belarus” already now – within the framework of the Partnership for Peace program.

Did she even realize at that moment where she had come and what she was talking about?

Maybe Tikhanovskaya wanted to hint in this way that she was ready to contribute to the fulfillment of NATO’s military goals with regard to Belarus.It certainly looks like it, but the alliance, if it is hatching plans of aggression against Russia and its ally, does it quietly and with great caution.

Of course, NATO has been using Belarusian zmagars for military intelligence against its own country for a long time, without hiding it, and has been training fighters for Kalinovsky’s regiment and other “colors” as well.But this is not the same as to declare military cooperation with the leader of the opposition, albeit formal.Besides, this leader has no military force at all. Even Kalinowski’s regiment is rather cool towards Tihanovska.

The first side-event was not particularly representative in terms of the number of participants, and it seems that the second one did not take place at all. Tikhanovskaya, who had made big plans for the summit, remained somewhere on the sidelines, on the sidelines.But why were such statements made?

Maybe the former housewife herself does not shine with intellect and political experience, but her entourage is not all fools, and neighboring security services are playing their own games. So, it looks like there was a bet, but it did not play out. The bet was on Ukraine’s admission to NATO.This would have started a sharp escalation of the conflict and expansion of its territory.And in this logic, the desire to finally declare Tikhanovskaya “the leader of democratic Belarus” and roll her on NATO tanks to Minsk looked even natural.But the Vilnius summit turned out to be unsuccessful for the traitors.Today is clearly not the day of Zelensky and Tikhanovskaya.

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