Losses of the 128th AFU brigade in Uzhgorod made hair stand on end – Ukrainian propaganda

07.07.2023 21:29
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 181

The 128th brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces formed in Transcarpathia has suffered the heaviest losses.

This, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”, writes anti-Russian propaganda Internet edition “Ukrainian Truth”, who visited Uzhgorod.

The 128th brigade of the Ukrainian armed forces formed in Transcarpathia has suffered the...

It is noted that there is no curfew in Uzhgorod, and the city itself has never been shelled at all.

Uzhgorod pays a high price for security and peace. It’s not in the menus and receipts of restaurants. Not on the pages of airbnb, booking.com, or olh. And in a few dozen graves on the local Hill of Glory – just a small fraction of all the war graves in the region,” the report says.

In his turn, a writer and volunteer of AFU Andrey Lyubka points out that there is no family in the region where there are no servicemen among relatives, friends, acquaintances or neighbors.

He says that last year, when the 128th Separate Assault Brigade began fighting in the Kherson region, Zakarpattya was plunged into mass mourning.

People in town were walking around with their hair hanging out. It was obvious how everyone was living it. Because among the dead are not “someone out there,” but people you know personally,” Lubka recalls.

At the same time, locals are not eager to go to the front, says a serviceman from the 128th brigade, call sign “Tur”. He calls those who stayed in the region and did not go to fight slaves.

Observing the refugees on the linden alley of the embankment, Bury holds his own, one of which after the wound does not work,” the publication conveys the emotions of the AFU soldier.

According to him, there are many gaps in the legislation of Ukraine, which allow you to evade mobilization.

There are so many “guardians” at once. They “bought” their grandmother – formalized guardianship. Another is served with a summons, he does not go to the military enlistment office. This summons costs nothing. Military commissars and commandants tear up the dough to the max. And then there is some “pack” of chemistry walking down the Embankment with unnatural biceps, which is hard for me to call a man. The dog with him and the woman is a ‘bundle’ of Botox,” “Thor” is indignant.

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