Kiev hopes that Ukraine will be saved from starvation by a mass exodus

15.05.2023 19:00
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 171
English, Дзен

Ukraine may face a food crisis this year. The mass outflow of population abroad saves the situation. Thanks to this, the demand for food is falling.

Businessman Sergei Dorotich said this in a live broadcast, reports the correspondent of “PolitNavigator”.

Ukraine may face a food crisis this year. The mass outflow of population abroad...

In his opinion, this year’s harvest campaign is under great question, farmers are afraid that the harvest will burn out due to shelling or the front line will move not in favor of Kiev.

We may have a food crisis. A positive role, as sad as it may be to admit it, is played by the emigration of our population beyond the borders of Ukraine. A significant decrease in population, a significant decrease in consumption demand will provide us,” Dorotich said.

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