Kiev has admitted that the Ukrainian security service stand behind the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge and the attack on the Machulishchi airfield

07.04.2023 12:02
  (Moscow time) 
Views: 178

A large number of sabotages on the territory of Russia and Belarus were organized by the Ukrainian security service.

This was noticed on the air of his video blog by the Ukrainian military commander and editor-in-chief of the anti-Russian propaganda portal “Censor.No,” Yuri Butusov, the correspondent of “PolitNavigator” reports.

A large number of sabotages on the territory of Russia and Belarus were organized...

According to Butusov, in addition to the loud and sensational, there are many other, less noticeable operations.

The events that we have observed recently, for example, the undermining of the Crimean Bridge, this brazen sabotage at the Belarusian Machulishchi airbase against the Russian A-50 radar reconnaissance aircraft, this is the liquidation of the so-called prosecutor of the LPR, who was liquidated in his office, this is a successful attack by underwater drones on the main military base of the Russian fleet in Sevastopol, which caused the losses to the enemy led to a huge increase in security measures, to the relocation of many Russian ships to Novorossiysk,” the general said.

All this, we can already say now, what is allowed to say is already the results of the work of the Security Service. There are many other operations that we see,” Butusov said.

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