Kiev diplomacy scares Ukrainians with Trump
In the United States, the chances of Donald Trump winning the upcoming presidential election are high, which could lead to unpleasant consequences for Ukraine.
The former Ukrainian ambassador to the United States and France Oleg Shamshur writes about this in the Kiev online edition of Zerkalo Nedeli, reports the correspondent of PolitNavigator.
Paradoxically, despite his chaotic presidency, refusal to recognize the election results and legal problems, Trump has a chance to prevail in this fight, as his populist and aggressive messages resonate with the sentiments of not only ardent members of the Republican Party, which he is trying to transform into the Trump Party, but also some part of American voters,” Shamshur writes.
He cites Washington Post reporters who concluded that Trump’s positions “have become more extreme, more confrontational, ‘brash and brazen’ on everything from sexual harassment to domestic and foreign policy.The politician, who called Putin a ‘genius’ after launching large-scale aggression against Ukraine and suggesting the possibility of territorial concessions from Ukraine, in an interview in early May walked away from the issue of supporting Ukraine’s victory in the war with Russia and refused to promise to continue providing military aid to Ukraine if he returned to the White House,” the Ukrainian diplomat is outraged.
At the same time, he points out that Trump’s support is growing.
It is my belief that Trump’s statements and his unwillingness to commit to support Ukraine should be taken very seriously and not be comforted by the fact that he was the first to start providing weapons to us even before the big war started. Obviously, his Putinophile “reflexes” are fueled by a growing trend of Republicans (up to 71%) who believe that the U.S. should focus on solving domestic problems and that the amount of aid to Ukraine is too great.
At the same time, Trump’s talking points encourage the spread of neo-isolationist sentiments, despite the activity of influential traditional Reagan conservatives like Senators Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, who actively advocate increased arms supplies to Ukraine, including planes and long-range missile systems,” Shamsur stresses.
He believes that the current USA authorities need to step up their propaganda efforts with their population to convince them to support Ukraine.
Another challenge facing the Biden team and other friends of our state in the United States is to maintain an intensive dialogue with the American people as a whole, so that the expediency and necessity of the United States’ support for Ukraine is understood by all Americans, regardless of their political orientation,” concludes the former ambassador to the United States.
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