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Andrei Pinchuk, FSB officer and former head of the DPR MGB, gives a sensational prediction about Prigozhin’s future

Andrei Pinchuk, FSB officer and former head of the DPR MGB, gives a sensational prediction about Prigozhin’s future.

What do you mean, ‘Prigozhin has gone to Belarus’? That’s not where he went. He went into international space. Tomorrow, presidents and leaders of at least two or three dozen different countries will be lining up to see Prigozhin… Talking about the fact that there is no Wagner PMC, well, why should that be? How does the current situation of Prigozhin and the Wagner PMC differ from the one he entered into a special military operation? Nothing! They were, in fact, outside the law, they are still there… If even 50% of those who were forced to be recruited to perform common military task will fall away from the Wagner PMC, then Wagner will not lose anything at all, or rather, will simply minimize the losses.

And here’s why Prigozhin spoke so respectfully of AFU fighters: “I wouldn’t be surprised if tomorrow it goes international and all kinds of, frustrated companies from the USO, including those from the Ukrainian side, form some separate Ukrainian squad, from among those who fought against us on that side. Why not? This is a commercial international activity, a private military company. And from other countries there will be exactly the same queue.”

At the same time, Prigozhin is unlikely to be threatened by the West: “They will blow dust off Prigozhin because he is the only person who was able to play with his muscles in relation to the Russian leadership. Having such a trump card is a huge bonus.

Prigozhin may also return to the Russian Federation: “If tomorrow Operation Izmor, as I call it, does turn into Operation Victory, with clear goals… We have a huge number of examples of all kinds of coalitions between those who yesterday were considered our enemy … Hezbollah, the Taliban, and other examples… In the world situational alliances – overt and covert – do not work according to this logic – you were against me, you hurt my interests, I will punish you – this works in street boy’s showdown, but in the state, moreover, in the international sphere it works differently.

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